

PeaZip v9.6.0 繁體中文版

2023年12月17日 — PeaZip 是一款跨平台、開放原始碼的免費壓縮檔管理工具,除了一般壓縮、解壓縮外,還支援分割、合併壓縮檔,可以把超大檔案分割成好幾個小檔。

PeaZip (64

2023年12月17日 — PeaZip 64-bit is an amazing Zip/Unzip software, and Rar file extractor and converter, supporting over 150 archive formats.

Free RAR TAR ZIP files extractor, unzip utility for Windows

PeaZip is a free archiver software providing powerful multi format archive manager and complete file explorer. As archive extractor PeaZip can unzip 200+ ...

PeaZip download

Download PeaZip for free. Free Zip software and Rar extractor. PeaZip is a free ... Context menu: Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux, BSD, macOS · Create archive.

PeaZip (64-bit)

PeaZip for Windows (64-bit) is a free ZIP software optimized for WIN64 systems. ... Open and extract over 200 archive types: RAR, ACE, ARJ, CAB, DEB, DMG, ISO, ...

PeaZip free archiver utility, open extract RAR TAR ZIP files

Free file archiver utility for Windows, macOS, Linux, Open Source file compression and encryption software. Open, extract RAR TAR ZIP archives, 200+ formats ...

PeaZip is a free, open source file and archive manager for 32 and 64 bit Windows and Linux. It is available either as installable and portable application (not ...

download peazip rar zip opener for windows 64 bit

What is PeaZip for Windows 64 bit. PeaZip is a free file archiving application (file compression, rar opener,...), cross-platform Open Source (LGPLv3) free ...

PeaZip 64 bits

2023年7月12日 — PeaZip for Windows 64 bit is a freeware ZIP tool. Open, convert and extract RAR 7Z ACE APK CAB BZ2 DMG ISO JAR GZ LHA PAQ PEA TAR ZIP ZIPX ...

PeaZip 9.6.0 安裝版for Windows 64

PeaZip 是一個免費的跨平台且開放原始碼的解壓縮軟體。它支援許多常見的壓縮檔格式,例如:7Z、ARC、Brotli BR、BZip2、GZip、PAQ、PEA、RAR、自解壓 ...